When choosing colors we must pay attention to their psychological influence, every person experiences certain color his own way, so it’s necessary to pay attention to the individual difference between people.


Colors influence our mood depends on a number of factors:

  • Color itself;
  • Its intensity;
  • Durance of exposure to the color;
  • Subjective factors;
  • Preference to a certain color.

Red color

Red color gives warmth and a comfortable feeling to space, it’s connected to feelings of love and thrill, which can be useful if you need some stimulant.

Yellow color

The yellow color is considered merry and optimistic, it induces concentration and boosts energy. In space, it’s dosed moderately, regardless of its positive effects, too much yellow can cause nausea, headache, anxiety, and a loss of self-esteem.

Blue color

The blue color is connected with the business world, it’s mostly used in bedrooms. Due to its coldness, it’s advised to dose it moderately because it can cause depression.

Green color

The green color is connected to nature, it has a calming effect, so it’s often used in interior design.

Brown color

The brown color is connected with warmth, comfort and gives us a feeling of safety.

Orange color

Orange color is considered warm and energetic, it’s linked with ambition and new life phases.

Purple color

Purple color represents a symbol of wealth and power, it entices meditation and deep contemplation.

Pink color

Pink color has calming effect, it’s considered women’s color which soothes, and a romantic color which represents gentle feelings.

Black color

We use black color moderately in space, mostly when we want to emphasize certain parts of a space.

Grey color

Grey color has a very small impact on us, it looks elegant in a space, but, in reality, it shows a lack of color and vitality.

White color

White color is considered clean and sterile, it’s ideal for small spaces because it opens them up and visually widens them.